New STOP Administrators

What is STOP?

The STOP Formula Grants Program is a federal grant program authorized under the Violence Against Women Act. All states and territories are eligible to receive a STOP Grant.

STOP was created for the purpose of enhancing the capacity of local communities to develop and strengthen responses to survivors of domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking., a product of the STAAR Project, gives new STOP administrators access to many resources on how to administer and implement the STOP Formula Grant.

The STAAR Project provides guidance to new Administrators on:

  • Developing and implementing an inclusive Statewide/Territory-wide planning process;
  • Coordinating with other Federal and State funding streams;
  • Soliciting applications that address State and Territory needs;
  • Managing and monitoring STOP sub-grantees;
  • Implementing promising criminal justice system policies, procedures, and practices;
  • Addressing the needs of all victims; and
  • Collaborating and coordinating among multiple disciplines and entities to ensure safety for victims and offender accountability.

How can STOP be used?

There are 20 purpose areas for which STOP Grants can be utilized in your state or territory.

Each state and territory receiving a STOP Grant is required to allocate 25 percent for law enforcement, 25 percent for prosecutors, 30 percent for victim services (of which at least 10 percent must be distributed to culturally specific community-based organizations), and 5 percent to state and local courts. 15 percent is discretionary.

What is the role of a STOP Administrator?

STOP Administrators are responsible for several important roles including:
  • Federal STOP funds applicant and grantee;
  • STOP implementation planning process leader for your state or territory; and
  • Grant administrator and manager of STOP funds in your state or territory.