How can we help?
2024 Regional STOP Administrators Meeting
- Questions and Answers with Director Rosie Hidalgo, Office on Violence Against Women
- Culturally Specific Coffee Talk
- The Science of Hope
- Partnering for Change with State Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Dual Coalitions
- Why Data Matter: How Progress Reporting Serves Grantees and Communities
- Prioritizing the Community in Coordinated Community Responses Key Elements
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
DV Homicide Reduction
- STOP TA Clinic 12/18/24: Incorporating Firearms Violence and Other Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Strategies into STOP Formula Grant Planning and Implementation
- STOP TA Clinic 7/15/24: Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction with LeTesha Davis Pyke, Ujima Part 2
- STOP TA Clinic 02/12/2024: Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction with Darren Mitchell of ALSO STAAR
- STOP TA Clinic 9/18/2023: DV Homicide Reduction with Darrell Johnson of ALSO Safe Streets and Darren Mitchell of ALSO STAAR
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction - Risks and Realities + Learning from Community-Based Approaches to Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction: The Importance of Strategic Planning
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/18/2021 Domestic Violence Awareness Month with Deb DeBare
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 1: Current Prevention Efforts, Gaps, What the Data Say, and What You Can Do to Address the Needs of Underserved Communities
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 3: Understanding and Applying Research and Qualitative Data for Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Efforts
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 2: Engaging with Communities as a Tool for Enhancing Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
- Show all articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
- STOP TA Clinic 12/18/24: Incorporating Firearms Violence and Other Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Strategies into STOP Formula Grant Planning and Implementation
- Addressing Firearms in the Context of Domestic and Dating Violence Under the STOP Formula Grant Program
- Revised Instructions for Using Template for Documentation Letters from Prosecution, Law Enforcement, Court, and Victim Services For STOP Formula Grant Program Applications
- STOP TA Clinic 12/11/2023: Grantmaking Grounded in Data and Local Outreach with CSAJ
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/16/2023, Prosecution Certification with John Wilkinson of AEquitas
- STOP TA Clinic 8/21/2023: Immigrant Survivor Needs and Resources with Kelly Head, Lia Ocasio, and Maria Lazzarino of ASISTA
- 6/12/23, Meeting the STOP Culturally Specific Set-Aside by Partnering with Culturally Specific Entities
- STOP TA Clinic 4/3/23: Incorporating People with Disabilities in STOP Grant Planning and Implementation with Olga Trujillo, Activating Change
- STOP TA Clinic 3/20/23: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels (OVW)
- STOP TA Clinic 3/20/23: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels (OVW)
- STOP TA Clinic 3/6/23: Restorative Justice Practices with Marsela Rojas-Salas and Jennica Sinor (ValorUS)
- STOP TA Clinic 2/6/23: Approaching Teen Dating Violence Holistically with Tunisia Owens (FVLC)
- STOP TA Clinic 1/23/23: Understanding Stalking and Supporting Survivors with Dana Fleitman (SPARC)
- STOP TA Clinic 12/12/22: Strengthening Support for Immigrant Survivors w/ Leslye Orloff (NIWAP)
- STOP TA Clinic 11/14/22: Supporting Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse with Kris Bein, Erica Blackwood, and LaShae Lopez (RSP)
- STOP TA Clinic 10/31/22: STOP Formula Grant Prosecution Certification with Marnie Shiels, OVW, and John Wilkinson, AEquitas
- STOP TA Clinic 10/17/22: Survivor Economic Needs with Sarah Gonzalez Bocinski, FUTURES
- STOP eNewsletter, October 2022: STOP Assistance to Campuses
- STOP TA Clinic 10/3/22: Indigenous People’s Toolkit + Current DV Trends with Deb DeBare and Kimberly Feeney, NNEDV
- STOP TA Clinic 9/19/22: Clery Reporting on Campuses with Abigail Boyer, Clery Center
- STOP TA Clinic 8/22: Spending Down & Reallocation of Funds with Latonya Eaddy, OVW
- STOP TA Clinic 8/8: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels and Debbie Murphy, OVW
- STOP TA Clinic 7/25: Funding Issues and Current Trends for Forensic Exams with Nicole Stahlmann (IAFN)
- STOP TA Clinic 7/11: What Next? Areas of Focus Following the Submission of the Implementation Plan with Shira Phelps
- STOP TA Clinic: 6/27 Centering the Experiences of Women of Color with Anzala Alozie (WOCN)
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/26 Facilitating Accessible Virtual Events
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/12 Discussing STOP Administrator Concerns and Brainstorming Solutions
- STOP TA Clinic 5/16/22: Implementation Planning Check-In
- STOP Administrators Meeting: What are Survivor Experiences in Your State? Learning from Qualitative Data
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Post Award Processes - Monitoring and TA to Subgrantees
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Pre Award Processes - From RFPs to Awards
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Tools and Techniques to Support Reporting
- STOP TA Clinic: 2/8/21 Assistance with STOP Progress Reporting Forms with Tara Wheeler and Hannah Brintlinger from Muskie School
- STOP TA CLINIC: 4/4/22 Collaborating with Courts with Nida Abbasi and Danielle Pugh
- STOP TA Clinic: 3/21/22 Addressing Underserved Populations with Lisa Gilmore
- STOP TA Clinic: 3/7/22 Survivor Safety and Economic Security with Erika Sussman
- STOP TA Clinic: 2/7/22 Discussing Required Data and Forms with the Muskie School
- STOP TA Clinic: 1/24/22 Human Trafficking Prevention Month with Jane Anderson
- Mini-Workshop 1: Partnering with Culturally Specific Community Organizations Under STOP
- Mini-Workshop 3: Connecting and Coordinating with Tribes
- Mini-Workshop 2: Meaningfully Addressing Sexual Assault Under STOP
- STOP TA Clinic: 11/15/2021 Inclusive Grantmaking Strategies that Reach Marginalized Populations with Olga Trujillo
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/18/2021 Domestic Violence Awareness Month with Deb DeBare
- Test cat 2
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 1: Current Prevention Efforts, Gaps, What the Data Say, and What You Can Do to Address the Needs of Underserved Communities
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 2: Engaging with Communities as a Tool for Enhancing Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
- Webinar: STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly at a Glance Guide
- Webinar: STOP Purpose Area 14: Implementing Policy Change within the STOP Program
- Webinar: Trauma Informed Practices for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors
- Webinar: Addressing Human Trafficking within the STOP Formula Grant Program
- Webinar: Strategies for Maximizing the 5% Courts Allocation Under the STOP Formula Grants Program
- Webinar: A Review of STOP Subgrantee Progress Reporting Forms for Administrators
- Webinar: STOP Formula Grants Program Calculations
- Webinar: For Deaf, By Deaf: What STOP Administrators Can Do to Support Deaf Survivors’ Healing and Justice
- Webinar: STOP Intensive Technical Assistance Informational Webinar
- Webinar: A-Z Advocacy Model: How Asian/Pacific Islander Programs Operationalize Culturally-Specific Services
- Webinar: Similarities and Differences Between VOCA and VAWA Formula Grants
- Webinar: Human Trafficking and the STOP Grant Program: Understanding the Impact of Trauma
- Webinar: Human Trafficking and the Impact of COVID-19
- Webinar: Elder Abuse: How You Can Make a Difference for Older Victims of Abuse as a STOP Administrator
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Registration
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Budgeting
- A Practical Guide for Creating Trauma-Informed Disability, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault Organizations
- VAWA Regulations (2016) – Presentation by Marnie Shiels, OVW Attorney Advisor
- COVID-19 FAQs for OVW Grantees Regarding the Payment and Use of Leave for Grant-Funded Staff
- COVID-19 Update for Grantees – Additional Flexibilities for the STOP Formula Grant Program
- FAQs on the VAWA Confidentiality Provision
- STOP Formula Program FAQ on Planning Process Documentation
- VAWA Regulations (2016)
- Match Requirement for STOP Formula Grants
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About STOP Formula Grants
- STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly At-A-Glance Guide (2019)
- Implementation Planning Participation Form
- Implementation Plan Guidance Tool
- OVW Implementation Plan Checklist
- Implementation Planning Toolkit
- Handbook for STOP Administrators
- Instructions for Using the STOP Implementation Plan Template and Planning Workbook
- STOP Formula Grant Planning Workbook
- Implementation Plan Template
- Show all articles ( 77 ) Collapse Articles
Implementation Planning
- STOP TA Clinic 12/18/24: Incorporating Firearms Violence and Other Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Strategies into STOP Formula Grant Planning and Implementation
- Addressing Firearms in the Context of Domestic and Dating Violence Under the STOP Formula Grant Program
- STOP TA Clinic 4/15/2024: Certifications and Ask the Office on Violence Against Women Attorney with OVW Attorney Advisor, Fara Gold
- Revised Instructions for Using Template for Documentation Letters from Prosecution, Law Enforcement, Court, and Victim Services For STOP Formula Grant Program Applications
- STOP TA Clinic 12/11/2023: Grantmaking Grounded in Data and Local Outreach with CSAJ
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/16/2023, Prosecution Certification with John Wilkinson of AEquitas
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 2
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 1
- 7/10/23, Trauma Responsive Practices with Olga Trujillo
- 6/12/23, Meeting the STOP Culturally Specific Set-Aside by Partnering with Culturally Specific Entities
- STOP TA Clinic 5/22/23: Office Hours with OVW, Pt. 2
- STOP TA Clinic 5/1/23: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Data for Revised STOP Implementation Plans with Lisa Gilmore and ICJIA
- LGBTQ+ Data Resources for STOP Implementation Plans
- Quick Guide to the 2023 Solicitation and IP Updates
- STOP Documentation Letter Template
- Instructions for STOP Documentation Letter Template
- STOP TA Clinic 4/17/2023: STOP Applications and IP Updates
- STOP TA Clinic 4/3/23: Incorporating People with Disabilities in STOP Grant Planning and Implementation with Olga Trujillo, Activating Change
- STOP TA Clinic 3/20/23: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels (OVW)
- STOP TA Clinic 8/22: Spending Down & Reallocation of Funds with Latonya Eaddy, OVW
- STOP TA Clinic 7/11: What Next? Areas of Focus Following the Submission of the Implementation Plan with Shira Phelps
- STOP TA Clinic: 9/14 Moving Forward with the Implementation Planning Process
- STOP TA Clinic: 8/31 Finding and Training RFP Peer Reviewers and Navigating Technology During the Planning Process
- STOP TA Clinic 5/16/22: Implementation Planning Check-In
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Pre Award Processes - From RFPs to Awards
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Moving Forward - From Planning to Implementation
- STOP TA CLINIC: 4/4/22 Collaborating with Courts with Nida Abbasi and Danielle Pugh
- Mini-Workshop 1: Partnering with Culturally Specific Community Organizations Under STOP
- Mini-Workshop 3: Connecting and Coordinating with Tribes
- Mini-Workshop 2: Meaningfully Addressing Sexual Assault Under STOP
- STOP TA Clinic: 12/13/2021 Implementation Planning Check In
- STOP TA Clinic: 11/15/2021 Inclusive Grantmaking Strategies that Reach Marginalized Populations with Olga Trujillo
- STOP TA Clinic: 11/1/2021 Ask Anything with OVW Attorney Advisor Marnie Shiels
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/18/2021 Domestic Violence Awareness Month with Deb DeBare
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/4/2021, Required Documentation in the STOP Implementation Plan Part 2, STAAR Project
- STOP TA Clinic: 9/20/2021 Required Documentation in the STOP Implementation Plan
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 1: Current Prevention Efforts, Gaps, What the Data Say, and What You Can Do to Address the Needs of Underserved Communities
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 2: Engaging with Communities as a Tool for Enhancing Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
- Webinar: STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly at a Glance Guide
- Webinar: STOP Purpose Area 14: Implementing Policy Change within the STOP Program
- Webinar: Trauma Informed Practices for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors
- Webinar: Addressing Human Trafficking within the STOP Formula Grant Program
- Webinar: Strategies for Maximizing the 5% Courts Allocation Under the STOP Formula Grants Program
- Webinar: A Review of STOP Subgrantee Progress Reporting Forms for Administrators
- Webinar: STOP Formula Grants Program Calculations
- Webinar: For Deaf, By Deaf: What STOP Administrators Can Do to Support Deaf Survivors’ Healing and Justice
- Webinar: STOP Intensive Technical Assistance Informational Webinar
- Webinar: A-Z Advocacy Model: How Asian/Pacific Islander Programs Operationalize Culturally-Specific Services
- Webinar: Similarities and Differences Between VOCA and VAWA Formula Grants
- Webinar: Human Trafficking and the STOP Grant Program: Understanding the Impact of Trauma
- Webinar: Human Trafficking and the Impact of COVID-19
- Webinar: Improving Access to Courts Through Technology: Innovative Ideas for the STOP Formula Grants Courts Set-Aside
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Registration
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Budgeting
- A Practical Guide for Creating Trauma-Informed Disability, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault Organizations
- VAWA Regulations (2016) – Presentation by Marnie Shiels, OVW Attorney Advisor
- COVID-19 FAQs for OVW Grantees Regarding the Payment and Use of Leave for Grant-Funded Staff
- COVID-19 Update for Grantees – Additional Flexibilities for the STOP Formula Grant Program
- FAQs on the VAWA Confidentiality Provision
- STOP Formula Program FAQ on Planning Process Documentation
- VAWA Regulations (2016)
- Match Requirement for STOP Formula Grants
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About STOP Formula Grants
- STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly At-A-Glance Guide (2019)
- Implementation Planning Participation Form
- Implementation Plan Guidance Tool
- OVW Implementation Plan Checklist
- Implementation Planning Toolkit
- Handbook for STOP Administrators
- Instructions for Using the STOP Implementation Plan Template and Planning Workbook
- STOP Formula Grant Planning Workbook
- Implementation Plan Template
- Show all articles ( 69 ) Collapse Articles
VAWA and OVW Information
- STOP TA Clinic 4/15/2024: Certifications and Ask the Office on Violence Against Women Attorney with OVW Attorney Advisor, Fara Gold
- STOP TA Clinic 1/22/2024: Training and Technical Assistance from the Sexual Violence Justice Institute with Aubrey Sampson
- STOP TA Clinic 5/22/23: Office Hours with OVW, Pt. 2
- STOP TA Clinic 5/15/23: Office Hours with OVW Pt. 1
- STOP TA Clinic 3/20/23: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels (OVW)
- STOP TA Clinic 3/20/23: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels (OVW)
- STOP TA Clinic 3/6/23: Restorative Justice Practices with Marsela Rojas-Salas and Jennica Sinor (ValorUS)
- OVW STOP Pass-Through Guidance
- STOP TA Clinic 10/31/22: STOP Formula Grant Prosecution Certification with Marnie Shiels, OVW, and John Wilkinson, AEquitas
- STOP TA Clinic 8/22: Spending Down & Reallocation of Funds with Latonya Eaddy, OVW
- STOP TA Clinic 8/8: Ask Anything with Marnie Shiels and Debbie Murphy, OVW
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Ask OVW
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Day Two Welcome + Understanding Sexual Assault Victimization and Differing Needs to Close the Gaps
- STOP Administrators Meeting: STOP Financial Issues
- STOP Administrators Meeting: VAWA Reauthorization: Changes and Implications
- STOP TA Clinic: 11/1/2021 Ask Anything with OVW Attorney Advisor Marnie Shiels
- STOP Formula Grant Program Reporting Forms and Instructions
- Guide for Reviewing STOP Subgrantee Reports
- Fact Sheet on STOP Violence Against Women Formula Funds and Prison Rape Elimination Act Reduction/Reallocation
- Webinar: STOP Purpose Area 14: Implementing Policy Change within the STOP Program
- Webinar: A Review of STOP Subgrantee Progress Reporting Forms for Administrators
- Webinar: Similarities and Differences Between VOCA and VAWA Formula Grants
- VAWA Regulations (2016) – Presentation by Marnie Shiels, OVW Attorney Advisor
- COVID-19 FAQs for OVW Grantees Regarding the Payment and Use of Leave for Grant-Funded Staff
- COVID-19 Update for Grantees – Additional Flexibilities for the STOP Formula Grant Program
- FAQs on the VAWA Confidentiality Provision
- STOP Formula Program FAQ on Planning Process Documentation
- VAWA Regulations (2016)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About STOP Formula Grants
- OVW Implementation Plan Checklist
- Show all articles ( 27 ) Collapse Articles
Implementation Planning Toolkit
- Revised Prosecution Certification Status of Compliance Template
- FY2023 STOP Solicitation: A Guide to Some Required Components
- IP Update: An Explanation of How the State Will Meet the Requirements of 34 USC 12291(b)
- IP Update: Four Required Letters from Programs to be Assisted
- Status of Compliance with Statutory Eligibility Requirements
- IP Update: Obtaining Demographic Information
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 2
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 1
- LGBTQ+ Data Resources for STOP Implementation Plans
- Quick Guide to the 2023 Solicitation and IP Updates
- STOP Documentation Letter Template
- Instructions for STOP Documentation Letter Template
- STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly At-A-Glance Guide (2019)
- Implementation Planning Participation Form
- Implementation Plan Guidance Tool
- Instructions for Using the STOP Implementation Plan Template and Planning Workbook
- STOP Formula Grant Planning Workbook
- Implementation Plan Template
- Show all articles ( 15 ) Collapse Articles
Underserved Populations
- STOP TA Clinic 12/11/2023: Grantmaking Grounded in Data and Local Outreach with CSAJ
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 2
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 1
- STOP TA Clinic 8/21/2023: Immigrant Survivor Needs and Resources with Kelly Head, Lia Ocasio, and Maria Lazzarino of ASISTA
- 7/10/23, Trauma Responsive Practices with Olga Trujillo
- 6/12/23, Meeting the STOP Culturally Specific Set-Aside by Partnering with Culturally Specific Entities
- STOP TA Clinic 4/3/23: Incorporating People with Disabilities in STOP Grant Planning and Implementation with Olga Trujillo, Activating Change
- STOP TA Clinic 12/12/22: Strengthening Support for Immigrant Survivors w/ Leslye Orloff (NIWAP)
- STOP TA Clinic 10/17/22: Survivor Economic Needs with Sarah Gonzalez Bocinski, FUTURES
- STOP eNewsletter, October 2022: STOP Assistance to Campuses
- STOP TA Clinic 10/3/22: Indigenous People’s Toolkit + Current DV Trends with Deb DeBare and Kimberly Feeney, NNEDV
- STOP TA Clinic: 6/27 Centering the Experiences of Women of Color with Anzala Alozie (WOCN)
- STOP TA Clinic: 6/13 LGBTQ+ Individuals and VAWA with Linnette Acosta and Topher Williamson
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Closing Remarks - Reflections on the Impact of STOP
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction - Risks and Realities + Learning from Community-Based Approaches to Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction: The Importance of Strategic Planning
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Day Two Welcome + Understanding Sexual Assault Victimization and Differing Needs to Close the Gaps
- Mini-Workshop 1: Partnering with Culturally Specific Community Organizations Under STOP
- Mini-Workshop 3: Connecting and Coordinating with Tribes
- STOP TA Clinic: 11/15/2021 Inclusive Grantmaking Strategies that Reach Marginalized Populations with Olga Trujillo
- Quick Guide to Addressing Human Trafficking within STOP Formula Grants Program Statutory Purpose Areas
- Tribal Leaders Directory- Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Walking on Common Ground- Resources for Promoting and Facilitating Tribal-State-Federal Collaborations
- Tribal Nations of the United States
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 1: Current Prevention Efforts, Gaps, What the Data Say, and What You Can Do to Address the Needs of Underserved Communities
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 2: Engaging with Communities as a Tool for Enhancing Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
- Webinar: Trauma Informed Practices for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors
- Webinar: For Deaf, By Deaf: What STOP Administrators Can Do to Support Deaf Survivors’ Healing and Justice
- Webinar: A-Z Advocacy Model: How Asian/Pacific Islander Programs Operationalize Culturally-Specific Services
- Webinar: Elder Abuse: How You Can Make a Difference for Older Victims of Abuse as a STOP Administrator
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Registration
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Budgeting
- A Practical Guide for Creating Trauma-Informed Disability, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault Organizations
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About STOP Formula Grants
- Handbook for STOP Administrators
- Show all articles ( 31 ) Collapse Articles
New STOP Administrators
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Technical Assistance for STOP Administrators and Subgrantees
- Mini-Workshop 1: Partnering with Culturally Specific Community Organizations Under STOP
- Mini-Workshop 3: Connecting and Coordinating with Tribes
- STOP TA Clinic: 12/13/2021 Implementation Planning Check In
- STOP TA Clinic: 10/4/2021, Required Documentation in the STOP Implementation Plan Part 2, STAAR Project
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 4: The Implementation Planning Toolkit
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 3: The Handbook for STOP Administrators
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 2: Tools and Resources for STOP Administrators
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 1: The STOP Formula Grant Program
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 1: Current Prevention Efforts, Gaps, What the Data Say, and What You Can Do to Address the Needs of Underserved Communities
- Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Workshop Series Part 2: Engaging with Communities as a Tool for Enhancing Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
- Webinar: New STOP Administrator Webinar
- Webinar: STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly at a Glance Guide
- Webinar: STOP Purpose Area 14: Implementing Policy Change within the STOP Program
- Webinar: Trauma Informed Practices for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors
- Webinar: Addressing Human Trafficking within the STOP Formula Grant Program
- Webinar: Strategies for Maximizing the 5% Courts Allocation Under the STOP Formula Grants Program
- Webinar: A Review of STOP Subgrantee Progress Reporting Forms for Administrators
- Webinar: STOP Formula Grants Program Calculations
- Webinar: For Deaf, By Deaf: What STOP Administrators Can Do to Support Deaf Survivors’ Healing and Justice
- Webinar: STOP Intensive Technical Assistance Informational Webinar
- Webinar: A-Z Advocacy Model: How Asian/Pacific Islander Programs Operationalize Culturally-Specific Services
- Webinar: Similarities and Differences Between VOCA and VAWA Formula Grants
- Webinar: Human Trafficking and the STOP Grant Program: Understanding the Impact of Trauma
- Webinar: Improving Access to Courts Through Technology: Innovative Ideas for the STOP Formula Grants Courts Set-Aside
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Registration
- Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Budgeting
- A Practical Guide for Creating Trauma-Informed Disability, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault Organizations
- VAWA Regulations (2016) – Presentation by Marnie Shiels, OVW Attorney Advisor
- FAQs on the VAWA Confidentiality Provision
- STOP Formula Program FAQ on Planning Process Documentation
- VAWA Regulations (2016)
- Match Requirement for STOP Formula Grants
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About STOP Formula Grants
- STOP Implementation Planning: A Monthly At-A-Glance Guide (2019)
- Implementation Planning Participation Form
- Implementation Plan Guidance Tool
- OVW Implementation Plan Checklist
- Implementation Planning Toolkit
- Handbook for STOP Administrators
- Instructions for Using the STOP Implementation Plan Template and Planning Workbook
- STOP Formula Grant Planning Workbook
- Show all articles ( 39 ) Collapse Articles
STOP New Administrator Resource Videos
- STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard Training, Part 1
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Technical Assistance for STOP Administrators and Subgrantees
- STOP TA Clinic: 2/8/21 Assistance with STOP Progress Reporting Forms with Tara Wheeler and Hannah Brintlinger from Muskie School
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 4: The Implementation Planning Toolkit
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 3: The Handbook for STOP Administrators
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 2: Tools and Resources for STOP Administrators
- STOP New Administrator Resource Videos: Video 1: The STOP Formula Grant Program
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
COVID-19 Resources
- STOP TA Clinic: 9/14 Moving Forward with the Implementation Planning Process
- STOP TA Clinic: 9/28 COVID-19 Challenges – Supporting Survivors and Subgrantees throughout the Pandemic
- STOP TA Clinic: 8/17 COVID-19 Challenges – Finding Peer Reviewers, the Impact of COVID on Violence and Services, and Outreach on Funding Opportunities
- STOP TA Clinic: 8/3 COVID-19 Challenges – Subgrantee Questions and the Impact of COVID on Domestic Violence
- STOP TA CLINIC: 7/20 COVID-19 Challenges – Burnout and the Impact of COVID on Human Trafficking
- STOP TA CLINIC: 6/22 COVID-19 Challenges: Match Requirements and Addressing Inequities in Your Agency
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Planning for the Unexpected
- COVID-19 FAQs for OVW Grantees Regarding the Payment and Use of Leave for Grant-Funded Staff
- COVID-19 Update for Grantees – Additional Flexibilities for the STOP Formula Grant Program
- Show all articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
OVW Grant Management
STOP Categories
- Prioritizing the Community in Coordinated Community Responses Key Elements
- STOP TA Clinic 5/22/23: Office Hours with OVW, Pt. 2
- STOP TA Clinic 5/15/23: Office Hours with OVW Pt. 1
- STOP TA Clinic 5/1/23: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Data for Revised STOP Implementation Plans with Lisa Gilmore and ICJIA
- Show all articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- STOP eNewsletter, October 2022: STOP Assistance to Campuses
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter January 2019
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter April 2019
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter September 2019
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter October 2019
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter November 2019
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter January 2020
- STAAR Project E-Newsletter March 2020
- A Practical Guide for Creating Trauma-Informed Disability, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault Organizations
- Show all articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
2022 STOP Administrators Meeting
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Closing Remarks - Reflections on the Impact of STOP
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Technical Assistance for STOP Administrators and Subgrantees
- STOP Administrators Meeting: What are Survivor Experiences in Your State? Learning from Qualitative Data
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Ask OVW
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Post Award Processes - Monitoring and TA to Subgrantees
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Pre Award Processes - From RFPs to Awards
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction - Risks and Realities + Learning from Community-Based Approaches to Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction: The Importance of Strategic Planning
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Day Two Welcome + Understanding Sexual Assault Victimization and Differing Needs to Close the Gaps
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Tools and Techniques to Support Reporting
- STOP Administrators Meeting: STOP Financial Issues
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Planning for the Unexpected
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Managing the Workload
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Moving Forward - From Planning to Implementation
- STOP Administrators Meeting: VAWA Reauthorization: Changes and Implications
- STOP Administrators Meeting: Welcome and Overview of the 2022 Annual Meeting of STOP Administrators and Introductions
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
Webinar: Improving Access to Courts Through Technology: Innovative Ideas for the STOP Formula Grants Courts Set-Aside
The 5% courts set-aside is the smallest allocation category within the STOP Formula Grants Program, and STOP administrators may find it challenging to identify projects that are both impactful and affordable. Given that many state and local courts around the country have not yet had the opportunity to upgrade technological features that can provide opportunities to improve and enhance survivor access to courts, STOP administrators may find some solutions through investments in court technology. In this webinar, national experts provide a foundation for thinking about technology and courts and present innovative projects that could be supported with STOP funding. Participants will also hear why some court systems may be reluctant to accept STOP funding and how to address court concerns about maintaining an appearance of neutrality.
Materials: Improving Access to Courts through Technology Webinar Slides