Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction
Addressing DV Homicide Reduction within the STOP Formula Program: Designing Approaches that are Grounded in Survivor and Community Needs

Through panel presentations and other interactive approaches designed to help you learn, a number of experts in the field examined domestic violence homicide prevention efforts, explored their limitations in underserved communities, and offered planning and grant making strategies you can undertake to address this complex issue with partners in your state.
Part 1: Domestic Violence Homicide: Current Prevention Efforts, Gaps, What the Data Say, and What You Can Do to Address the Needs of Underserved Communities
Part 2: Engaging with Communities as a Tool for Enhancing Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention
Part 3: Understanding and Applying Research and Qualitative Data for Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Efforts
Tipsheet Series
Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Tip Sheet Series
Tip Sheet 1: Addressing the Gaps in Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction
Download here: Tip sheet 1
Tip Sheet 2: Engaging with Communities to Learn about Culturally Specific Community Needs
Download here: Tip Sheet 2
Tip Sheet 3: Using Qualitative Data to Learn about Approaches in Culturally Specific Communities
Download here: Tip Sheet 3
Domestic Violence Homicide Reduction Tip Sheet Resources