Welcome to the STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard

About the Dashboard

The STOP Implementation Planning Data Dashboard was created as a convenient portal to helpful data for the planning and implementation of STOP Formula Grant funds in all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. The Dashboard is designed to help those responsible for STOP planning and implementation – including STOP Administering Agencies and individual STOP Administrators, STOP Planning Partners, and Subrecipients/Subgrantees.

Providing Data About:

  • The population makeup of a state/territory
  • Victimization demographics and rates across populations
  • Who STOP funds are assisting
  • How STOP funds are being awarded
  • How other OVW awards are being implemented

The Dashboard also provides guidance and suggested questions to help enhance the equitable and effective distribution of funds.

Three of the most important tasks of a state or territory STOP Administrator are to:

  • Lead the development of a STOP Implementation Plan (IP) for the state/territory and create an IP that reflects evidence-based needs and priorities set by STOP planners
  • Create a grantmaking strategy based on those priorities, including equitable distribution among populations and geographic regions
  • Ensure that underserved populations are considered and prioritized in the grantmaking strategy, including culturally specific populations and other population-specific groups.

How would you like to use the Dashboard?

Select the button that best describes what you want to do.

How Can I Use the Dashboard to Meet STOP Implementation Plan Requirements?

I would like to address specific STOP Implementation Plan requirements.

State Population Landscape

I want to learn which populations are present in my state or territory.

I want to find out which victims served with STOP funds are present in my state/territory.

I want to know who experiences violence in my state or territory.

I want to understand any racial and ethnic disparities and data gaps in my state or territory.

I would like to see data on how STOP victim services dollars are serving victims in my state or territory.

I want to know how my state’s STOP VAWA funds are distributed.

I would like data on whether my state is meeting the STOP VAWA statutory priorities.

I would like information on other VAWA funds awarded in my state/territory.