How Can I Use the Dashboard to Meet STOP Implementation Plan Requirements?

The Data Dashboard provides you with some of the data and information you need as a STOP Administrator to satisfy the STOP Implementation Plan (IP) requirements. This page provides STOP IP required elements with links to corresponding Dashboard pages that display all or a portion of the specific data needed.

This chart includes OVW Implementation Plan Checklist elements that the Dashboard can help you address. Find the OVW Implementation Plan Checklist here.

III. Needs and Context

STOP IP Requirement (from the OVW IP Checklist)

Where to Find Help in the Dashboard

A. Demographic information regarding the population of the state derived from the most recent available United States Census Bureau data including population data on race, ethnicity, age, disability, and limited English proficiency.

Click here to view and explore a chart and map with demographic data for your state

B. Description of the methods used to identify underserved populations within the State and the results of those methods, including demographic data on the distribution of underserved populations within the State.

The demographic chart and map linked above (and here) provides information about the population sizes of historically underserved populations within your state.

V. Plan for the Four-Year Implementation Period

B. Statutory Priority Areas

2. Goals and objectives for reducing domestic violence-related homicides within the State, including available statistics on the rates of domestic violence homicide within the State and challenges specific to the State and how the plan can overcome them.

You can view the femicide rate by race in your state by navigating to this page, selecting your state, and clicking on the “Severe Violence” button at the top of the page.

C. Addressing the Needs of Underserved Victims – Description of how the state will recognize and meaningfully respond to the needs of underserved populations as identified above in II.B. (34 U.S.C. 10446(e)(2)(D) and (i)(2)(F); 28 C.F.R. 90.12(d)(4).

1. Description of how the State plans to meet the needs of the identified underserved populations, including, but not limited to, culturally specific populations, victims who are underserved because of sexual orientation or gender identity, and victims with limited English proficiency.

As a starting point, you can click here for information about the victimization levels by race and gender in your state, including for underserved populations.

The dashboard provides a second source of information regarding victimization levels. This page lets you further explore the racial makeup of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors in your state.

Meaningfully responding to the needs of underserved populations:

You can click here to view and explore a chart and map that help you to understand the demographic information for each underserved population served using STOP funds, compared to the level of victimization for each population (where data are available).

2. A description of how the State will ensure that monies set aside to fund culturally specific services and activities for underserved populations are distributed equitably among those populations.

By clicking here, you can explore some data regarding whether past STOP funding has been equitably distributed among the different demographic groups, including underserved populations, in your state. These data only reflect funding under the STOP Victim Services allocation.

3. Specifics on how the State plans to meet the set-aside for culturally specific community-based organizations, including a description of how the State will reach out to community-based organizations that provide linguistically and culturally specific services. This could include specific information as to which subgrantees met the required 10% set aside within the victim services allocation for culturally specific organizations during the prior funding cycle.

By clicking here and selecting your state and the year using the dropdown menus, you can explore whether past STOP funding has met the requisite set-aside for culturally specific community based organizations.