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STOP TA Clinic 9/18/2023: DV Homicide Reduction with Darrell Johnson of ALSO Safe Streets and Darren Mitchell of ALSO STAAR

Intimate partner homicide remains a significant cause of death for women the United States. Crime report data indicate that approximately 1 in 5 homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner, and over half of female homicide victims in the U.S. are killed by a current or former male intimate partner. The CDC has found that “young, racial/ethnic minority women are disproportionately affected,” and that “the [r]acial/ethnic differences in female homicide underscore the importance of targeting intervention efforts to populations at risk and the conditions that increase the risk for violence.”

STOP Administrators can play a key role in funding and supporting implementation of these interventions in their states and territories. In this TA Clinic, Darrell Johnson, Associate Director of Safe Streets, ALSO’s violence intervention and street outreach program, and Darren Mitchell, a consultant with the ALSO STAAR team who has worked on intimate partner homicide efforts with communities throughout the country for 23 years, will explore both legal-system and community/non-legal system intervention strategies to prevent intimate partner homicides. Participants will learn about community-driven violence interruption work, risk assessment and communication efforts, and effective implementation of firearm surrender programs. As a result of the Clinic, administrators will have access to state-of-the art information and resources to support them and their subgrantees in preventing intimate partner homicides. The focus will be on collaborative, court- and community-based initiatives that offer survivors with multiple possible pathways to safety depending on their needs and circumstances.
